Melatonin (MEL, 5 μM) effect on ROS accumulation as evaluated in sixteen yeast strains under oxidative stress that was induced with 2 mM of H2O2. Cells without MEL and H2O2 were used as negative control, cells with 2 mM of H2O2 were used as the positive control and cells treated with ascorbic acid (25 μM) served as the positive antioxidant control. (A) The mean fluorescence index (MFI) of the T. delbrueckii (TdB and Tdp), M. pulcherrima (MpF and Mpp), and C. zemplinina (Cz4 and Cz11) strains. (B) The MFI of the S. cerevisiae (BY4742, BY4741, Sigma 1278b, QA23, VIN 7, SC20, SB20, and Uvaferm HPS) and H. uvarum (Hu4 and Hu35) strains. (A,B) Different letters indicate significant differences between conditions within each strain, p < 0.05. (C,D) Flow cytometry histogram profiles expressed as the number of events in VIN 7 (C) and Cz4 (D) with MEL (5 μM) or ascorbic acid (ASC, 25 μM) and with 2 mM of H2O2.