Figure 5.
Changes in immune cells in MNV-4–infected mesenteric lymph node (MLN). Absolute numbers (A) or percentage (B) of various MLN cell subsets was determined, and fold change compared with one arbitrary control sample was calculated for the three treatment groups. Data were compiled from two separate experiments (day 5 and day 19 p.i.), with lysate samples from both experiments combined into one group. The dashed line in each graph shows a fold change of one (no change from lysate). Significant differences compared with lysate control are indicated. n = 6 (A and B, lysate, lymphoid cell subsets); n = 5 (A and B, lysate, myeloid subsets, and days 5 and 19 after MNV-4 infection). ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, and ∗∗∗P < 0.001. DC, dendritic cell; FO, follicular; MZ, marginal zone; NK, natural killer; SSC, side scatter.