Fig. 3.
Representative MRM chromatograms of blank human plasma spiked with analytes at LLOQ (I), internal standard (II), or with no spiking (III).
This figure shows representative multiple reaction monitoring chromatograms of: (I) blank human plasma spiked with analytes at the LLOQ; (II) blank human plasma spiked with internal standard, and; (III) blank human plasma with no spiking (i.e. double blank). The analyte retention times in the double blank extracts are denoted by the arrow.
A = ATV; B = 2-OH ATV; C = ATV L; D = 2-OH ATV L; E = BSP; F = CLP-CA; G = ATV-d5; H = 2-OH ATV-d5; I = ATV-d5 L; J = 2-OH ATV-d5 L; K = BSP-d5; L = CLP-d4 CA.