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. 2018 Jan 5;63(9):610–619. doi: 10.1177/0706743717752878

Table 2.

Association of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Comorbid Mental Disorders in the Canadian Armed Forces and the Canadian General Population.

CAF (2013) CGP (2012) CAF v. CGP
Comorbid Mental Disorder % (95% CI)a AOR (95% CI)b % (95% CI)a AOR (95% CI)b AOR (95% CI)c
Major depressive disorder 54.67 (48.56–60.10) 19.01e (14.34–25.21) 55.20 (48.95–61.29) 26.86e (19.81–36.43) 1.40 (0.84–2.32)
Alcohol use or dependence 14.67 (10.52–19.31) 5.17e (3.40–7.85) 10.84 (7.8–14.9) 3.99e (2.58–6.16) 0.91 (0.39–2.15)
Panic disorder 30.41 (24.99–35.90) 19.80e (13.93–28.13) d d d
PTSD 38.36 (32.70–44.40) 14.16e (10.54–19.00) d d d

CAF, Canadian Armed Forces; CGP, Canadian general population; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder; AOR, adjusted odds ratio (i.e., adjusted for age, sex, race, marital status, education, and income).

aPrevalence estimates refer to the proportion of respondents who meet diagnostic criteria for GAD and who also meet diagnostic criteria for the specific comorbid past-year mental disorder.

bAORs refer to the odds of having the specific past-year comorbid mental condition (independent variable) based on whether the respondent meets diagnostic criteria for past-year GAD (dependent variable).

cAORs examine the difference in the likelihood of a given past-year mental disorder comorbidity between the CAF and CGP; the CGP is the reference category with an odds of 1.00.

dPanic disorder and PTSD were assessed differently in the CGP and therefore not comparable with estimates from the CAF survey.

eP ≤ 0.001.