Fig. 5.
Identification of molecular signatures of Sm-p80–based vaccine-mediated immunogenicity and immunity in baboon PBMCs following vaccination and challenge infection. (A) Venn diagram depicting numbers and percentages of significant differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (p<0.05; 1.5-fold change cutoff) in Sm-p80–immunized baboons at vaccination and necropsy. (B) Distribution of DEGs (y-axis) in Sm-p80–immunized baboon PBMCs at vaccination and necropsy, as well as DEGs common to both time points according to ontology classification. (C) Heat map depicting IPA-identified common canonical pathways with activation z-scores for which z-score was available and not zero. (D) Heat map depicting IPA-identified common upstream regulators with activation z-scores for which scores were available and not zero. (E) Gene network derived from immune-related DEGs in baboon PBMCs following Sm-p80 vaccination. (F) Gene network derived from immune-related DEGs in baboon PBMCs at necropsy.