Figure 1.
(A) Double mutant plants have smaller ratios of lateral to primary root length when grown without sucrose, but have larger ratios when grown in the presence of sucrose. (Pairwise Wilcox Test with Bonferroni correction, * – p < 0.05; ** – p < 0.01; *** – p < 0.005, error bars represent standard error, n = 25 for mutants, n = 120 for Col). (B) xip1-2;cepr2-2 seedlings show sensitivity to sucrose with respect to LR extension. The ratio of values between seedlings grown on 0.5X MS with 1% sucrose versus those grown on 0.5X MS media only. (N = 4, 3, 2, 4 experiments respectively for each genotype, with each experiment representing 5–25 plants; student T-test, * – p < 0.05 compared to Col, ◊ – p < 0.05 compared to xip1-2;cepr2-2).