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. 2018 Aug 27;13(8):e0202793. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202793

Table 2. Unadjusted (univariate) and adjusted (multivariate) regression, predicting log10(total drinking time).

Unadjusted regression analyses Adjusted regression analyses
Independent variable B Exp(B) 95% CI Exp(B) p-value R2 B Exp(B) 95% CI Exp(B) p-value
(Constant) - - - - - 0.685 4.839 2.367 to 9.895 < .0001
Glass shape .031
Inward-sloped -0.098 0.798 0.625 to 1.018 .069 -0.087 0.818 0.644 to 1.038 .098
Outward-sloped -0.110 0.776 0.608 to 0.989 .041 -0.104 0.786 0.620 to 0.998 .048
Gender .065
Female 0.143 1.389 1.143 to 1.688 .001 0.145 1.397 1.145 to 1.706 .001
Age 0.0022 1.005 0.991 to 1.020 .51 .003 0.002 1.005 0.990 to 1.019 .52
Thirst (1–10) -0.016 0.965 0.903 to 1.030 .28 .007 -0.018 0.959 0.899 to 1.023 .20
Maximum daily temperature (°C) 0.0090 1.021 0.995 to 1.048 .12 .015 0.0053 1.012 0.986 to 1.039 .35
Time of day (hours after midday) -0.0003 0.999 0.965 to 1.035 .97 .000008 -0.0047 0.989 0.956 to 1.024 .53

Note. Adjusted analyses: F(7,154) = 2.85, p = .008, R2 = .115. Exp = Power of 10.