Overlap of the 149 purchased molecules with
the erlotinib reference
grouped by the primary scoring method used in prioritization. Values
in parentheses indicate the number in each group. Erlotinib in a gray
transparent surface, bridging water oxygens as red spheres. Functions
employed include (1) DCESUM (DOCK Cartesian energy, VDW
+ ES, kcal/mol), (2) FPSSUM (VDW + ES footprint similarity,
Euclidian distance, kcal/mol), (3) FPSES (ES footprint
similarity, Euclidian distance, kcal/mol), (4) TS (total score = DCESUM + FPSSUM, kcal/mol), (5) FMS (pharmacophore
matching similarity), (6) VOS (volume overlap similarity), (7) HMS
(Hungarian matching similarity), and (8) FPSWGT (FPSES with four copies of WAT1 included in the reference to increase
contribution of water).