Figure 5. Electron cryo-tomography of Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells.
(a) CryoET showed that fly centrioles were almost exclusively found as single centrioles, and composed of a mixture of singlet and doublet microtubules, symmetrically arranged around a central hub. Amorphous brush-like structures (white arrows) emanated from between adjacent microtubules, possibly representing core PCM. (b) Sub-volume averaging of centriole microtubules generated a microtubule doublet map, with a 13 protofilament A-tubule and a 10 protofilament B-tubule. The pinhead (white arrow) extended from protofilament A03, but was more elaborate than the CHO pinhead, making additional contacts with protofilament A02, and the inner AB-junction (green double arrowhead). The map also showed a novel hinge-shaped density (gold double arrowhead) of unknown function bound to protofilament A06, and a repetitive wishbone-shaped structure (pink double arrowhead) also of unknown function that made weak connections to the A-tubule. (c) Changing the contour level of the map in (b), showed that the A-tubule, the pinhead and a partial B-tubule constituted the core structure, with all other structural elements at less than 100% occupancy. Scale bars are 100 nm in (a), and 25 nm in (b) and (c).