Figure 2.
Task sequence and behavioral results from the fMRI experiment. (a) Task sequence. A cue indicating the condition of the current trial was presented for 1 s, followed by a fixation duration between 2 and 6 s (mean = 4 s). Two choice options were then presented vertically on the left and the right sides for 5 s. Inter-trial interval was between 2 and 6 s (mean = 4 s). The numeric structure of the options and the instructions were all identical to those in the behavioral experiment. (b) The maximin weights (α) estimated from participants’ choices in the Self and Other conditions. The asterisks indicate that both were significantly different from zero (***P < 0.001). (c) Eye tracking results. Because the size of the MRI monitor was not large enough to adequately separate the individual monetary outcomes, gaze durations on the two options were analyzed here. In the Self condition, participants looked more at the option with larger minimum amount (*P < 0.05), but such attentional bias was not observed in the Other condition. (d) Correlation between the participants’ self-reported empathic-concern scores and the difference between the maximin weights (α) in the Self and Other conditions.