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. 2017 Jul 11;25(8):1130–1136. doi: 10.1016/j.jsps.2017.07.002

Table 1.

Effects of NS in pre-clinical studies of asthma.

Studies Study material Minimal active dose Model Negative control Positive control Effects
Notes & limitations
Serum immunoglobulins Inflammatory mediators Inflammatory cells, BALF Inflammatory cells, lung Histamine release Block H1 receptors Relaxation of SM Other
Chakravarty (1993) Nigellone 11 µg/ml Mixed peritoneal cells of egg albumin induced Wistar rats N/A N/A No control group (without Thymoquinone)
Gilani et al. (2001) NS (70% aqueous-methanol extract) 0.1–3.0 mg/ml Guinea pig trachea N/A N/A + No control group (without Thymoquinone)
Al-Majed et al. (2001) Thymoquinone 50 µM Guinea-pig trachea N/A N/A + + No control group (without Thymoquinone)
Boskabady and Sheiravi (2002) Aqueous extracts of NS 0.3 ml Guinea pig trachea Saline Chlorpheniramine +
Mansour and Tornhamre (2004) Thymoquinone 3 and 10 µM Human granulocytes Untreated human granulocytes N/A ↓ leukotrienes No positive control
Abbas et al. (2005) NS fixed oil 5 ml/kg/day injected (ip) for 17 days Conalbumin sensitised (CD1) albino mice Untreated mice Dexamethasone ↓ IgG ↓ serum IL-2 & IL-12 ↓ blood eosinophil count
Büyüköztürk et al. (2005) NS fixed oil 0.3 ml/day for 1 month OVA sensitised BALB/c mice Saline No change in IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-γ in splenic mononuclear cells No positive control
El Gazzar et al. (2006) Thymoquinone + 10% DMSO 3 mg/kg TQ in 10%DMSO injected (ip) for 5 days OVA sensitised BALB/c mice and lung cells Saline + 10% DMSO OVA + 10% DMSO ↓ OVA IgE & IgG1 ↓ IL-4, IL-5, IL-13
↑ IFN-γ
↓ eosinophils ↓ eosinophils ↓ goblet cells hyperplasia
Boskabady et al. (2008) Methanol and dichloromethane extracts of NS -0.8 g% of methanol extract-1.2 g% of dichloromethane extracts Guinea pig trachea Saline Theophylline +
Shahzad et al. (2009) NS fixed oil 4 ml/kg/day injected (ip) for 7 days OVA sensitised E3 rats Saline N/A ↓ Total IgE
↓ IgG1
↓ OVA IgG1
↓ mRNA expression of IL-4, IL-5, IL-6 and TGF-β1 from lung cells
↓ nitric oxide in BALF
↓ eosinophils, macrophages & lymphocytes ↓ eosinophils, macrophages, lymphocytes ↓ bronchial and alveolar epithelial hyperplasia
↓goblet cells and collagen fibres
No positive control
Abd El Aziz et al. (2011) Thymoquinone 3 mg/kg injected (ip) for 5 days in guinea pig-8 mg/kg injected (ip) for 21 days in rats OVA sensitised guinea pig trachea
Mast cells of egg-albumin sensitised rats
Saline N/A + No positive control
Balaha et al. (2012) NS fixed oil Oral NS oil 4 ml/kg/day for 31 days OVA sensitised BALB/c mice Saline N/A ↓ Total IgE
↓ OVA IgE & IgG1
↑ BALF Th1 cytokines
↓ BALF Th2 cytokines
↓ leukocytes, macrophages & eosinophils ↓ Airway hyperresponsivness No positive control
Saleh et al. (2012) NS fixed oil Oral NS oil 2.5 ml/kg/day for 3 weeks OVA sensitised guinea pig
Isolated rat peritoneal mast cells
Saline N/A ↑ PGE2 in lung tissue
↓ leukotrienes
No positive control
Keyhanmanesh et al. (2013) Fractions of 20% methanolic extract of NS (50, 100, 150, 200 mg/L) Guinea pig trachea Saline Theophylline +
Kalemci et al. (2013) Thymoquinone 3 mg/kg/day injected (ip) for 5 days OVA sensitized BALB/c mice Saline Dexamethasone ↓ Subepithelial and epithelial hyperplasia
↓ Number of mast and goblet cells
Keyhanmanesh et al. (2014) Thymoquinone 0.3 mg/kg i.p. OVA-sensitized guinea pig Saline N/A ↑ Blood IFN-γ ↓ Eosinophil
↓ Basophils
↓ Tracheal responsiveness
↓ Airway membrane hyperplasia
↓ Respiratory epithelial denudation
↓ Cellular infiltration
↓ Emphysema
No positive control
Saadat et al. (2015) α-hederin 0.3 mg/kg i.p. OVA-sensitized guinea pig Saline Thymoquinone ↓ Total WBC
↓ Eosinophils
↓ Basophils
+ ↓ Tracheal contractile response to histamine
Fallahi et al. (2016) α-hederin 0.2 mg/kg i.p. OVA-sensitized Wistar rats Saline Thymoquionone ↓ IL-13 mRNA
↓ miRNA-126
↓ Pneumocyte and fibroblastic hypertrophy and hyperplasia
↓ Hyperemia
↓ Haemorrhage
↓ Edematous and exudative changes
Arabzadeh et al. (2016) Ethanolic extract of NS Oral 500 mg/kg/day for 3 weeks Exercise-induced Wistar rats Exercise-induced Wistar rats without NS N/A ↓ thickness epithelial bronchi, tunica media (muscle) bronchi, and tunica adventitia bronchi
↓ number of goblet cells
No positive control

ip; intraperitoneal. OVA; ovalbumin. BALF; Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. N/A; data not included in the original study.