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. 2017 Jul 1;9(1):101–108. doi: 10.1016/

Table 1.

Sociodemographic and family's characteristics and their relationship to Brief Symptom Inventory (n = 837)

Independent variables (n) % Brief Symptom Inventory
Statistics Significance (p)
Median ≤ 51 (n = 423), % Median > 51 (n = 414), %
Age (y)
 15 (45) 5.4 48.9 51.1 χ2 = 0.601, df = 3 >0.05
 16 (169) 20.2 52.7 47.3
 17 (312) 37.3 51 49
 18 (311) 37.2 49.2 50.8
 Female (162) 19.4 46.9 53.1 χ2 = 1.055, df = 1 >0.05
 Male (675) 80.6 51.4 48.6
Grade at VTE (in years)
 First (379) 45.3 48.5 51.5 χ2 = 5.098, df = 2 >0.05
 Second (316) 37.8 49.1 50.9
 Third (142) 17.0 59.2 40.8
Length of time living in Istanbul
 7 y or less (112) 13.4 51.8 48.2 χ2 = 0.08, df = 1 >0.05
 8 y or more (725) 86.6 50.3 49.7
Mother's educational level
 Never attended school(122) 14.6 48.4 51.6 χ2 = 0.867, df = 2 >0.05
 Graduated from primary school (652) 77.9 56.5 49.5
 Graduated from high school or university (63) 7.5 55.6 44.4
Father's educational level
 Never attend to school (60) 7.2 60 48.3 χ2 = 1.845, df = 2 >0.05
 Graduated from primary school (642) 76.7 642 48.4
 Graduated from high school or university (135) 16.1 135 54.8
Father's work situation
 Works (688) 82.2 51.7 48.3 χ2 = 2.251, df = 1 >0.05
 Does not work (149) 17.8 45.0 55.0
Mothers work situation
 Works (188) 22.5 52.7 47.3 χ2 = 0.437, df = 1 >0.05
 Does not work (649) 77.5 49.9 50.1
Family income
  Low (570) 68.1 50.9 49.1 χ2 = 0.590, df = 3 >0.05
 Lower middle (116) 13.9 47.4 52.6
 Upper middle (119) 14.2 51.3 48.7
 High (32) 3.8 53.1 46.9
Ranking among siblings in family
 First (269) 32.1 49.8 50.2 χ2 = 1.273, df = 2 >0.05
 Second (202) 24.1 54.0 46.6
 Third (366) 43.1 49.2 50.8
Perceived social support from family
 Median < 5 (422) 50.4 47.2 52.8 χ2 = 3.893, df = 1 >0.05
 Median > 5 (415) 49.6 54.0 46.0
Perceived social support from significant others
 Median < 5 (414) 49.4 49.5 50.5 χ2 = 0.341, df = 1 >0.05
 Median > 5 (423) 50.6 51.5 48.5
Perceived social support from friends
 Median < 5 (432) 51.6 48.8 51.2 χ2 = 1.026, df = 1 >0.05
 Median > 5 (405) 48.4 52.3 47.7
Total MSPSS score
 Median < 5 (421) 50.2 48.5 51.5 χ2 = 1.468, df = 1 >0.05
 Median> 5 (416) 49.8 52.6 47.4

MSPSS, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support.