Figure 2.
Individual phenotypic variation within Astatotilapia sp. ‘Chala’ and the visually recognized phenotype groups (morphs). (a) LDA based on 14 linear morphometric traits, (b) PCA based on male nuptial coloration, which revealed three rather distinct clusters (morph means were only plotted for the morphs with more than four males in the colour analyses), (c–e) pairwise genomic PCA for the morph pairs with significant genomic differentiation. Dots represent individuals, whereas diamonds represent morph centroids with standard errors for morphs with more than three individuals for the corresponding analyses (blue, BBE; black, GAL; green, LEA; light green, LEO; brown, OSH; purple, PLB; violet, PLR; yellow, YBE; grey, not assigned). (f ) Images of three individual males representative of the variation within each of the visually recognized phenotype groups. (Online version in colour.)