Simulations evaluating probability of the reversal of FST ranking of the magnitude observed for BS11 genes under various evolutionary scenarios. (Both neutral scenarios were explored with 10 000 coalescent simulations, while BS scenarios were evaluated with 500 forward simulations; for details see text. Simulations were performed according to the model in figure 3 with parameter values from the electronic supplementary material, table S3. Neutrality, Ne × 6.8—neutral demography with the effective population size increased to obtain variation comparable to that in BS11 genes; BS11-like and CR-like—genes of the characteristics (length, mutation rate) of balancing selection candidates (BS11) and control (CR) genes. SOD, symmetric overdominance, NFD, negative frequency dependence, diffFST, difference in FST between Mon–North and North–South divided by the average value; s, selective advantage of a heterozygote (SOD), or the initial selective advantage of a new allele (NFD). p-values—proportions of simulations with diffFST lower than observed diffFST in BS11-like genes or higher than observed diffFST in CR-like genes, significant values are in italics.)