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. 2018 Aug 14;18(8):2674. doi: 10.3390/s18082674

Table 2.

Abbreviations for machine learning algorithms.

Abbreviation Algorithm
ANFIS adaptive-neuro fuzzy inference systems
Bagging bootstrap aggregating
BBN bayesian belief network
BN bayesian network
BPN back-propagation network
CART classification and regression trees
CHAID chi-square automatic interaction detector
CNNs convolutional neural networks
CP counter propagation
DBM deep boltzmann machine
DBN deep belief network
DNN deep neural networks
ELMs extreme learning machines
EM expectation maximisation
ENNs ensemble neural networks
GNB gaussian naive bayes
GRNN generalized regression neural network
KNN k-nearest neighbor
LDA linear discriminant analysis
LS-SVM least squares-support vector machine
LVQ learning vector quantization
LWL locally weighted learning
MARS multivariate adaptive regression splines
MLP multi-layer perceptron
MLR multiple linear regression
MOG mixture of gaussians
OLSR ordinary least squares regression
PCA principal component analysis
PLSR partial least squares regression
RBFN radial basis function networks
RF random forest
SaE-ELM self adaptive evolutionary-extreme learning machine
SKNs supervised kohonen networks
SOMs self-organising maps
SPA-SVM successive projection algorithm-support vector machine
SVR support vector regression