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. 2018 Aug 21;9:557. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00557

Table 2.

Botanical sources of berberine.

Family Scientific name Common name Used part References
Annonaceae Annickia chlorantha (Oliv.) Setten & Maas (ex-Enantia chlorantha Oliv.) African whitewood, african yellow wood Epfoué, Péyé, Nfol, Poyo Bark Mell, 1929
Annickia pilosa (Exell) Setten & Maas (ex-Enantia pilosa Exell) Bark Buzas and Egnell, 1965
Annickia polycarpa (DC.) Setten & Maas ex I. M. Turner (ex-Enantia polycarpa (DC.) Engl. & Diels) African yellow wood Bark Buzas and Egnell, 1965
Coelocline polycarpa A.DC. Yellow-dye tree of Soudan Bark Henry, 1949
Rollinia mucosa (Jacq.) Baill. Biriba, wild sweet sop, wild cashina Fruit Chen et al., 1996
Xylopia macrocarpa A.Chev. Jangkang Stem bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Xylopia polycarpa (DC.) Oliv. Stem bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberidaceae Berberis aetnensis C.Presl Roots Bonesi et al., 2013
Leaves Musumeci et al., 2003
Root Henry, 1949
Berberis amurensis Rupr. Barberry Stem & roots Tomita and Kugo, 1956
Berberis aquifolium Pursh Oregon grape Roots Parsons, 1882
Berberis aristata DC. Tree turmeric Bark Chakravarti et al., 1950
Roots Singh A. et al., 2010
Raw herb Singh R. et al., 2010
Fruit Kamal et al., 2011
Roots Andola et al., 2010a,c
Roots Rashmi et al., 2009
Roots Singh and Kakkar, 2009
Roots Srivastava et al., 2004
Roots Srivastava et al., 2001
Bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis asiatica Roxb. ex DC. Chutro, rasanjan (Nep); marpyashi (Newa); daruharidra, darbi (Sans) Roots Andola et al., 2010b
Roots Andola et al., 2010c
Roots Srivastava et al., 2004
Roots, stem, bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis barandana Vidal. ND Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis beaniana C. K. Schneid. Kang song xiao bo (pinyin, China) Steffens et al., 1985
Berberis chitria Buch.-Ham. ex Lindl. Chitra, indian barberry Whole plant Hussaini and Shoeb, 1985
Roots Srivastava et al., 2006a,b,c
Berberis concinna Hook.f. Barberry Stem bark Tiwari and Masood, 1979
Berberis congestiflora Gay Michay Leaves and stem Torres et al., 1992
Berberis coriaria Royle ex Lindl. Stem bark Tiwari and Masood, 1979
Berberis croatica Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. Croatian barberry Roots Končić et al., 2010
Roots Kosalec et al., 2009
Berberis darwinii Hook. Michai, calafate Roots Richert, 1918
Leaves Urzúa et al., 1984
Stem-bark Habtemariam, 2011
Berberis densiflora Raf. Leaves Khamidov et al., 1997b
Berberis floribunda Wall. ex G.Don Nepal barberry Roots Chatterjee, 1951
Berberis fortunei Lindl. Fortune's Mahonia Wood Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis guimpelii K. Koch & C. D. Bouché Roots Petcu, 1965a
Berberis heteropoda Schrank Root bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis himalaica Ahrendt Stem-bark Chatterjee et al., 1952
Berberis horrida Gay Leaves and stem Torres et al., 1992
Berberis iliensis Popov Young shoots Karimov and Shakirov, 1993
Roots Dzhalilov et al., 1963
Berberis integerrima Bunge. Root Karimov et al., 1993
Leaves Karimov et al., 1993; Khamidov et al., 1996c, 1997b
Berberis jaeschkeana C. K. Schneid. Jaeschke's Barberry Rashid and Malik, 1972
Berberis jamesonii Lindl (ex-Berberis glauca Benth) Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis japonica R.Br Japanese Mahonia Wood, root Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis kawakamii Hayata Roots Yang and Lu, 1960a
Berberis koreana Palib. Korean barberry Bark of the stem Petcu, 1965b
Bark of the roots
Kostalova et al., 1982
Roots Yoo et al., 1986
Berberis lambertii R. Parker Roots Chatterjee and Banerjee, 1953
Berberis laurina Thunb Laurel barberry Roots Gurguel et al., 1934; Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis leschenaultii Wall. ex Wight & Arn (ex-Mahonia leschenaultii (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Takeda) Bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis libanotica Ehrenb. ex C. K. Schneid. Root Bonesi et al., 2013
Berberis lycium Royle Boxthorn barberry Roots Andola et al., 2010c
Berberis microphylla G. Forst. (ex-Berberis heterophylla Juss. ex Poir. Berberis buxifolia Lam.) Patagonian barberry, magellan barberry, calafate Roots Freile et al., 2006
Rashid and Malik, 1972
Berberis mingetsensis Hayata Roots Yang and Lu, 1960b
Berberis nummularia Bunge Nummular barberry Young shoots Karimov et al., 1993
Berberis morrisonensis Hayata Roots Yang, 1960a,b
Berberis nepalensis Spreng. (ex-Mahonia acanthifolia Wall. ex G.Don) Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis nervosa Pursh Dwarf Oregon-grape Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis oblonga (Regel) C. K. Schneid Oblong barberry Stem Karimov and Lutfullin, 1986; Gorval' and Grishkovets, 1999
Leaves Khamidov et al., 2003
Roots Tadzhibaev et al., 1974
Berberis petiolaris Wall. ex G. Don Chochar Roots Huq and Ikram, 1968
Berberis pseudumbellata R. Parker Roots Andola et al., 2010b
Stem bark
Pant et al., 1986
Berberis repens Lindl. Creeping mahonia, creeping Oregon grape, creeping barberry, or prostrate barberry Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis sargentiana C. K. Schneid. Sankezhen Liu, 1992
Berberis swaseyi Buckley Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis thunbergii DC. Japanese barberry Stem Khamidov et al., 1997a
Leaves Khamidov et al., 1997a
Berberis tinctoria Lesch. Nilgiri barberry Roots Srivastava and Rawat, 2007
Berberis trifolia (Cham. & Schltdl.) Schult. & Schult.f. Root, stem Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Berberis turcomanica Kar. ex Ledeb. Leaves Khamidov et al., 1996a,b,c
Berberis umbellata Wall. ex G.Don Himalayan barberry Roots Singh et al., 2012
Berberis vulgaris L. Barberry Stems and roots Imanshahidi and Hosseinzadeh, 2008
Roots Končić et al., 2010
Roots Kosalec et al., 2009
Berberis waziristanica Hieron. Root bark Atta-ur-Rahma and Ahmad, 1992
Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) Michaux (ex-Leontice thalictroides L.) Blue cohosh Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Jeffersonia diphylla (L.) Pers. Twinleaf Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Mahonia borealis Takeda Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Mahonia fortunei (Lindl.) Fedde Fortune's Mahonia wood Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Mahonia napaulensis DC. (ex- Mahonia griffithii; ex-Mahonia manipurensis Takeda; Mahonia sikkimensis Takeda) Nepal Barberry bark Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Mahonia simonsii Takeda Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Nandina domestica Thunb. Nandina, heavenly bamboo or sacred bamboo bark, root Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Sinopodophyllum hexandrum (Royle) T.S.Ying Himalayan May Apple, Indian may apple Root, rhizome Willaman and Schubert, 1961
Menispermaceae Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr. (ex-Tinospora cordifolia) (Willd.) Miers Gulbel, indian tinospora Stem Srinivasan et al., 2008
Singh et al., 2003
Papaveraceae Argemone albiflora Hornem. (ex-Argemone alba F.Lestib.) White prickly poppy, Bluestem pricklypoppy Aerial part and roots Slavikova et al., 1960
Foote, 1932
Israilov and Yunusov, 1986
Argemone hybrida R.Otto & Verloove Leaves and stem Israilov and Yunusov, 1986
Argemone mexicana L. Prickly poppy Apigeal parts, seeds Haisova and Slavik, 1975; Israilov and Yunusov, 1986; Fletcher et al., 1993
Leaves Bapna et al., 2015
Seeds Fletcher et al., 1993
Singh, 2014
Majumder et al., 1956; Hakim et al., 1961; Misra et al., 1961
Superterranean parts Slavikova and Slavik, 1955
Santos and Adkilen, 1932; de Almeida Costa, 1935; Misra et al., 1961; Doepke et al., 1976; Abou-Donia and El-Din, 1986; Monforte-Gonzalez et al., 2012
Roots Pathak et al., 1985; Kukula-Koch and Mroczek, 2015
Leaves and capsules Schlotterbeck, 1902
Whole plant Bose et al., 1963; Haisova and Slavik, 1975
Latex Santra and Saoji, 1971
Argemone ochroleuca Sweet Chicalote Seeds Fletcher et al., 1993
Argemone platyceras L. Chicalote poppy, crested poppy Leaves and stem Israilov and Yunusov, 1986
Argemone subintegrifolia Ownbey Aerial part Stermitz et al., 1974
Argemone squarrosa Greene Hedgehog pricklypoppy Aerial part Stermitz, 1967
Bocconia frutescens L. Plume poppy, tree poppy, tree celandine, parrotweed, sea oxeye daisy, john crow bush Leaves Slavik and Slavikova, 1975
Roots, stalks, leaves Taborska et al., 1980
Chelidonium majus L. Celandine poppy Roots Jusiak, 1967
Corydalis chaerophylla DC. Fitweed Roots Jha et al., 2009
Corydalis ophiocarpa Hook. f. et Thoms Fitweed Manske, 1939
Corydalis solida subsp. brachyloba Fitweed Aerial parts Sener and Temizer, 1988, 1991
Corydalis solida subsp. slivenensis (Velen.) Hayek (ex-Corydalis slivenensis Velen.) Fitweed Kiryakov et al., 1982a,b
Corydalis solida subsp. tauricola Fitweed Kiryakov et al., 1982b
Rhizome Sener and Temizer, 1990
Corydalis turtschaninovii Besser. (ex-Corydalis ternata (Nakai) Nakai) Fitweed Tubers Lee and Kim, 1999
Eschscholzia californica Cham. Californian poppy Roots Gertig, 1964
Glaucium corniculatum (L.) Rud. subsp. corniculatum Blackspot Hornpoppy Aerial parts Doncheva et al., 2014
Slavik and Slavikova, 1957
Glaucium grandiflorum Boiss. & A.Huet Red Horned Poppy, Grand-flowered Horned Poppy Aerial part Phillipson et al., 1981
Hunnemannia fumariifolia Sweet Mexican Tulip Poppy, Golden Cup Roots Slavikova and Slavik, 1966
Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R.Br. Plume poppy Kosina et al., 2010
Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde Poppy Roots Pěnčíková et al., 2011
Papaver dubium L. Long-Head Poppy Roots Slavik et al., 1989
Papaver dubium var. lecoquii Long-Head Poppy Latex Egels, 1959
Papaver rhoeas L. var. chelidonioides Corn Poppy Roots Slavík, 1978
Papaver hybridum L. Poppy Aerial part Phillipson et al., 1981
Sanguinaria canadensis L. Bloodroot Greathouse, 1939
Ranunculaceae Coptis chinensis Franch. Chinese goldthread Roots Jin and Shan, 1982
Roots Lou et al., 1982
Coptis japonica (Thunb.) Makino Japanese goldthread Rhizome Kubota et al., 1980
Coptis teeta Wall. Gold thread Rhizome Chen and Chen, 1988
Rhizome Zhang et al., 2008
Hydrastis canadensis L. Goldenseal Baldazzi et al., 1998
Leone et al., 1996
Xanthorhiza simplicissima Marshall Yellowroot Root, stem, and leaves Okunade et al., 1994
Rutaceae Evodia meliaefolia (Hance ex Walp.) Benth. Bark Perkin and Hummel, 1895
Phellodendron amurense Rupr. Amur cork tree Bark Chiang et al., 2006
Root bark Zhang et al., 2008
Trunk bark
Perennial Branch bark
Annual branches
Phellodendron chinense C. K. Schneid. Chinese cork tree Bark Chan et al., 2007
Phellodendron chinense var. glabriusculum C. K. Schneid. (ex-Phellodendron wilsonii Hayata & Kaneh.) Chinese cork tree Bark, branch, leaf and heartwood Chen, 1981
Tan et al., 2013
Bark Chen, 1982
Phellodendron lavallei Dode Lavalle corktree Bark Yavich et al., 1993
Zanthoxylum monophyllum (Lam.) P. Wilson Palo rubio Stem and branches Stermitz and Sharifi, 1977
Zanthoxylum quinduense Tul. Ladino and Suárez, 2010