Table 1.
Presenting research results in patients with OSAS during ergospirometry.
Reference | Subjects | Exercise-Protocols | Duration | Results |
Grote et al., 2004 [8] | 1149 | 50 W/2-min−1 | Acute | ↑BP, ↓HR |
Tryfon et al., 2004 [12] | 27 | 10, 15 or 20 W/1-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↑BP |
Bonnanietal., 2004 [13] | 20 | 3-min sub-maximal | Acute | ↓VO2max,↓La |
Oztruk et al., 2005 [14] | 30 | 20 W/2-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max |
Linetal., 2006 [15] | 40 | 1 min on 100 Kpm | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↓AT, cardiac dysfunction |
Kaleth et al., 2007 [16] | 32 | 15 W/1-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↓HR, ↓SBP |
Vanhecke et al., 2008 [17] | 92 | Bruce treadmill | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↓HR, ↑BP |
Ucok et al., 2009 [18] | 40 | Astrand and Wingate test | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↑ % body fat |
Nanasetal., 2010 [19] | 21 | Incremental CPET on treadmill | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↓HR recovery, ↓ANS |
Cintraetal., 2011 [4] | 261 | Maximal test | Acute | ↓HDL, ↑LV, ↑BP |
Ackel-D’Eliaetal., 2012 [20] | 22 | Pulmonary Rehabilitation | 3 days per week, 1 h per day, 2 months | ↑ESS, ↑quality of life |
Rizzi et al., 2013 [21] | 31 | 10-15 W/1-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↑DBP |
Beitler et al., 2014 [22] | 15 | 10-15 W/1-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max |
Stavrou et al., 2015 [23] | 21 | 15-20 W/1-min−1 | Acute | ↓VO2max, ↓VE/MVV, ↓O2pulse |
Abbreviations: ANS: autonomic nervous activity; AT: anaerobic threshold; BP: blood pressure; CPET: cardiopulmonary exercise testing; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; ESS: Epworth sleep scale; HDL: high density lipoprotein; HR: heart rate; La: lactic acidosis; LV: left ventricular; MVV: maximal voluntary volume; O2pulse: VO2/HR; SBP: systolic blood pressure; VE: ventilation; VO2max: maximal oxygen uptake; W: watts.