Figure 1.
Prevalence of LUTS in China according to ICS 2002 symptom definition (A) and IPSS definition (B), and prevalence of OAB according to OABSS (C). ∗Prevalence based on symptom frequency of rating ≥2 and nocturia ≥2 episodes. †Prevalence based on ≤1 of voiding, storage, or postmicturition (PM) symptoms. ‡The overall OABS score is the sum of the scores for 4-individual items, and the diagnostic criteria for OAB are a total OABSS of ≥3 with an urgency score (for Question 3) of 2 or more. ICS = International Continence Society, IPSS = International Prostate Symptom Score, LUTS = lower urinary tract symptoms, OAB = overactive bladder, OABSS = Overactive Bladder Symptom Score, PM = postmicturition.