Fig. 4.
Psychophysical kernels in the direction discrimination task match predictions of a bounded DDM with non-decision time. a RT task design. Subjects initiated each trial by fixating on a central fixation point. Two targets appeared after a short delay, followed by the random dot stimulus. When ready, subjects indicated their perceived motion direction with a saccadic eye movement to a choice target. The net motion strength (coherence) varied from trial to trial, but also fluctuated within trials due to the stochastic nature of the stimulus. b, c Choice accuracy increased and RTs decreased with motion strength. Data points are averages across 13 subjects. Accuracy for 0% motion coherence is 0.5 by design and therefore not shown. Gray lines are fits of a bounded DDM with non-decision time. Error bars denote s.e.m. across subjects. d Motion energy of example 0% coherence trials (dotted lines), and the average (solid black line) and standard deviation (shading) of motion energy across all 0% coherence trials. Positive and negative motion energies indicate the two opposite motion directions in the task. e, f The bounded DDM predicts psychophysical kernels (gray lines), which accurately match the dynamics of subjects’ kernels (red lines). Because the model sensory weights are stationary, kernel dynamics in the model are caused by the decision-making process and non-decision times. Kernels are calculated for 0% coherence trials. Shading indicates s.e.m. across subjects. All kernels are shown up to the minimum of the median RTs across subjects