Figure 1.
Device structure and anomalous Hall resistance measurements. (a) Optical images of the patterned Hall bar and measurement configuration. Dependence of RHall on Hz is measured at the current of +0.1 mA for Pt/Co/SmOx (b) and Pt/Co/AlOx (c) stacks. (d) RHall versus Hx for Pt/Co/SmOx and the inset for Pt/Co/AlOx. The solid blue and green symbols correspond to “up” and “down” magnetized states, respectively. Red solid lines are the fitted curves. Switching phase diagram where Hsw varies against I for Pt/Co/SmOx (e) and Pt/Co/AlOx (f) stacks and the insets of them show the variation of RHall-Hz loops at different currents.