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. 2018 Aug 22;9:1901. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.01901



Convergent evolution within CC5. The ML phylogeny of Figure 1 is shown. The major clades, multilocus ST, and SCCmec type are shown for reference purposes and colored as in Figure 1. The CC5-I and CC5-II B expansion nodes are indicated with arrows. ML ancestral state reconstruction is shown along the phylogenetic backbone leading to the two expansion nodes; the four pie-charts at each of the backbone nodes indicate the likelihood of (in left-to-right order), fluoroquinolone, macrolide, and lincosamide resistance (red) or susceptibility (blue), and the presence (red) or absence (blue) of the sep toxin gene. Table adjacent to the tree indicates these traits in each genome. Scale bar indicates number of substitutions per site.