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. 2018 Aug 27;56(9):e00531-18. doi: 10.1128/JCM.00531-18


Accuracy of FluoroType MTDR to detect specific mutations in rpoB identified by Genotype MTBDRplus and sequencinga

rpoB genotype No. of isolates for which the genotype was:
% of isolatesb
Identified by MTBDRplus or sequencing Correctly identified by FluoroType MTBDR Incorrectly identified by FluoroType MTBDR
Indeterminate False resistance Incorrect mutation Undifferentiated mutation Only WT was recorded
WT 138 135 2 1 97.8
S531L 135 133 2 98.5
Q513P 1 0 1 0
Het/mixed 11 9 1 1 81.1
Totalc 322 314 97.5

Definitions of abbreviations: WT, wild type; Het/mixed, heteroresistance and/or mixed infection.


Genotypes identified with 100% accuracy by FluoroType MTBDR: H526D (9/9), H526Y (7/7), D516V (4/4), D516Y (3/3), H526N (3/3), L533P (2/2), insertion between codons 514 and 515 (1/1), L511P (2/2), H526L (2/2), H526R (1/1), S531F (1/1), Q513K (1/1), and H526P (1/1).


The total includes the results for genotypes identified with 100% accuracy.