Figure 5.
FBCs Seal the Wound and Locally Produce AMPs
(A) Time lapse (single frame) of wound-plugging by an FBC in a c564-Gal4+UAS-GFP+Ubq>Histone-RFP pupa (FBC in green; epithelial nuclei in red).
(B and C) Methylene blue-stained resin section (B) and transmission electron microscopy (C) images of FBC plugging the wound (different cell types are shown false-colored, as indicated).
(D) Time lapse of lamellipodia formation by FBCs at the wound of a c564-Gal4+UAS-GFP-Fascin+Ubq>RFP-tubulin pupa (epithelium in red; Fascin in green, Fascin-rich protrusions indicated with arrows). See also Movie S5.
(E) Time lapse of FBC blebbing at a wound in a c564-Gal4+UAS-GFP+Ubq>Histone-RFP pupa (epithelial nuclei in red; FBCs in green; blebs indicated with arrows). See also Movie S2, second movie.
(F) Time lapse of local Attacin expression in FBCs in an Attacin>GFP+Lpp-Gal4+UAS-myr-td-Tom pupa after wounding and exposure to RFP-E. coli for 5 min (FBCs in red and outlined; Attacin expression, green). Schematic illustrating experimental setup. See also Movie S10.
Scale bars, 20 μm (A, B, and D–F), 5 μm (C) and 500 nm (C, insert).