Immunolocalization of Hco-Pgp-13 in Haemonchus contortus L3 larvae (A) and adult (B). A. Left panel: differential interference contrast (DIC) image and DAPI signal superimposed; right panel: myosin and Hco-Pgp-13 staining superimposed. I and II: Different Z-stacks of one slice in the mid-body observed after incubation of primary and secondary antibodies. III: Slice in the mid-body observed with no primary antibody incubation. All slices were incubated with DAPI, and numerous nuclei are observed in the gonad and intestine in development and not well distinguishable. sh = supplementary sheath of the L3 stage larvae, ct = cuticle, al = alae, in = intestine, go = gonad, mu = muscle. White arrow: hypodermis, grey arrow: seam cell, yellow arrow: epithelial cells of the gonad or intestine. Scale bar = 2 μm. B. Left panel: DIC image; middle panel, myosin staining; right panel, Hco-Pgp-13 staining. I: Slice in the mid-body of a male parasite. II: Slice in the anterior region of the pharynx (procorpus). III: Section in the mid-region of the pharynx (metacorpus). IV: Section in the posterior region of the pharynx (terminal bulb). I—IV: Incubation of primary and secondary antibodies. V: No primary antibody incubation. ct = cuticle, ph = pharynx, go = gonad, in = intestine. White arrow: hypodermis, grey arrow: seam cell-excretory cell, blue arrow: neuronal structures, purple arrow: pharyngeal glands, yellow arrow: gonad. Scale bar = 20 μm. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)