Fig. 2.
Left panel: Histograms showing the effect of gonadectomy on VAT weight in a male Mito-Ob mice and b female Mito-Ob mice. Age- and sex-matched sham-operated Mito-Ob mice and wild-type mice are shown as controls. Right panel: Histograms showing the effect of gonadectomy on SAT weight in c male Mito-Ob mice and d female Mito-Ob mice. Age- and sex-matched sham-operated Mito-Ob mice and wild type mice are shown as controls. Data are presented as Mean ± SEM (n = 8). *p < 0.05 and **p < 0.01 represent significant differences between age and sex match gonadectomized mice and sham-operated control within each experimental group. No significant difference was found between sham-operated and gonadectomized wild-type mice. Ovx—ovariectomy; Orx—orchiectomy; SAT—subcutaneous adipose tissue; VAT—visceral adipose tissue