Fig. 6.
Chinese begonia species with vegetative reproduction via tubers or stolons. A, B Aerial tubers producing on stem: A-1 to A-3 Bulbil clusters at leaf axial of Begonia grandis; B Bulbils on the tips of stem in B. cehengensis; C, D Aerial tubers producing on leaf: Bulbils on the veins of leaf back in B. parvula (C-1, C-2); Bulbils on leaf back edge of B. glechomifolia (D-1, D-2); E Aerial tubers producing on inflorescence: Bulbils on the rachis tips of B. josephii (E-1, E-2); F–H Aerial tubers producing on stolon-like stem and stolon: Bulbils on the stolen-like stems connected with (F-1, F-2) or without (F-3) inflorescence in B. flagellaris; G Tiny bulbils on tips of long stolons in B. dioica; H Bulbils and plantlets on stolon of B. ravenii. Arrows indicate where bulbils form.