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. 2018 Aug 29;13:38. doi: 10.1186/s13017-018-0199-9

Table 1.

Patient characteristics and outcomes comparison between triage levels

Overall Triage level I Triage level II Triage level III p value for
N = 48 N = 14 N = 19 N = 15 Difference
Gender, N (%) 0.623
 Female 27 (56.3) 9 (64.3) 11 (57.9) 7 (46.7)
 Male 21 (43.7) 5 (35.7) 8 (72.7) 8 (53.3)
Age in years, mean (SD) 24.9 (8.8) 26.6 (11.6) 25 (9.0) 23.1 (3.5) 0.588
TBSA of 2nd to 3rd-degree of burn (%), mean (SD) 35.6 (23.8) 57.9 (15.4) 40.5 (15.9) 8.7 (7.8) < 0.001
ED intervention, N (%)
 Endotracheal intubation 17 (35.4) 13 (92.9) 3 (15.8) 1 (6.7) < 0.001
 CVC 22 (45.8) 10 (71.4) 11 (57.9) 1 (6.7) < 0.001
Surgery, N (%) < 0.001
 Escharotomy 22 (45.8) 12 (85.7) 9 (47.4) 1 (6.7)
 Tangential excision of necrotic skin 17 (35.4) 2 (14.3) 10 (52.6) 5 (33.3)
No surgery 9 (18.8) 0 (0) 0 (0) 9 (60.0)
Overall procedures, N (%) 4.3 (3.6) 6.2 (2.3) 5.3 (3.9) 1.0 (1.4) < 0.001
ED disposition, N (%) < 0.001
 ICU 34 (70.8) 14 (100) 17 (89.5) 3 (20.0)
 Ward 5 (10.4) 0 (0) 2 (10.5) 3 (20.0)
 Discharge 8 (16.7) 0 (0) 0 (0) 8 (53.3)
 Transfer 1 (2.1) 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (6.7)
ABSI, mean (SD) 7.3 (2.9) 10.3 (1.6) 7.6 (1.7) 4.1 (1.1) < 0.001
ISS, mean (SD) 16.5 (13.2) 27.3 (14.1) 19.4 (6.8) 2.7 (2.8) < 0.001
LOS in days, mean (SD)
 ICU 32.2 (30.9) 57.9 (16.6) 39.9 (30.9) 2.5 (6.6) < 0.001
 Hospital 48.6 (37.0) 73.9 (15.3) 62.2 (36.4) 12.0 (17.1) < 0.001
Mortality, N (%) 2 (4.2) 2 (14.3) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0.081

Abbreviations: SD standard deviation, TBSA total body surface area, ICU intensive care unit, ED emergency department, CVC central venous catheterization, ABSI abbreviated burn severity index, ISS injury severity score, LOS length of stay