Table 1. Example use cases for defining patient clinical conditions.
Clinical care | Population health | Clinical–translational research |
Deliver real-time clinical decision support: • Best practice guidelines and pathways for a condition • Drug-disease interactions Configure “smarter” EHRs, automatically tailored to the patient's condition(s): • Documentation templates • Order sets Construct registries: • Lists of “my patients” or “our patients” with a given condition, for operational or care coordination reasons |
For patients with a given condition: • Design care pathways • Close care gaps • Conduct targeted outreach and communications • Calculate and report on process measures and outcome measures • Combine clinical data from disparate EHRs and other sources for a 360° view of the patient • Perform risk stratification and other predictive analytics |
• Find patients with a given clinical condition to invite to participate in clinical/translational research (potentially across disparate EHRs) • Define a clinical condition as a “phenotype” of interest to study • Define conditions as comorbidities or covariates |
Abbreviation: EHR, electronic health record.