A, Pie charts showing the average values and symbol plot showing the
individual values of the frequencies of peripheral CD8+ T
cells expressing different color-coded combinations of PD-1 and CD160 in samples
from HD, untreated (uTx-RA), and DMARDs and anti-TNF±DMARDs treated RA
patients. B, Representative dot plots showing the frequency of
peripheral CD8+ T cells expressing PD-1 and CD160 in one rRA
and one nrRA patient in paired samples at baseline (T0) and 3 months
post-treatment (T3). Changes in DAS28 are indicated above the plots.
C, Pie charts showing the average values and symbol plots
showing the individual values of the frequencies of peripheral
CD8+ T cells expressing different color-coded
combinations of PD-1 and CD160 in paired samples from rRA and nrRA patients at
T0 and T3. Statistical analysis: p values calculated with One-way Anova followed
by Bonferroni post-test (A) and Student’s paired T test (B and C).