(A) Wild-type (RSY10), snf1∆ (RSY2080), sak1∆ (YPDahl17) and gal83∆ sip1∆ sip2∆ (MSY557) cells harboring full length Med13-HA (pKC801) were treated with 0.4 mM H2O2 for the timepoints indicated and Med13-HA levels analyzed by Western blot. Tub1 levels were used as a loading control.
snf1∆ cells harboring Med13-HA (pKC803) and either wild- type Snf1 (JG1193), a vector control (pRS316) or snf1K84R (JG1338) were treated and analyzed as described in A.
(C and D) Degradation kinetics of the Med13-HA shown in A and B. Values represent averages ± SD from a total of at least two Western blots from independent experiments.