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. 2018 Jul 10;150(4):338–345. doi: 10.1093/ajcp/aqy057

Table 4.

Adjusted ORs and 95% CIs for the Associations Between Pathologist Characteristics and Influence Toward a More Severe MSL Diagnosis Due to Concerns About Medical Malpracticea

Pathologist Characteristic OR (95% CI) P Value
Residency training
 Anatomic/clinical pathology Reference
 Dermatology 1.65 (0.61-4.43) .32
Years interpreting MSL
 <20 Reference
 ≥20 0.29 (0.12-0.69) .005
I am concerned about patient safety and potential harm to patients that may result from my assessment of melanocytic skin lesions
 Disagree Reference
 Agree 1.74 (0.76-3.98) .19
In general, too many melanocytic skin lesions are being biopsied
 Disagree Reference
 Agree 1.58 (0.81-3.08) .18
Composite assurance variableb
 None Reference
 Strongly agrees with practicing at least one of four assurance behaviors 2.72 (1.41-5.26) .003

CI, confidence interval; MSL, melanocytic skin lesion; OR, odds ratio.

aResults based on a multivariable logistic regression model containing the terms shown in the model. Variables chosen for multivariable modeling were those associated with influence toward a more severe diagnosis at P ≤ .10 in simple logistic models. The OR for each variable is adjusted for all other terms in the table.

bAssurance behaviors include requesting additional slides from the block, recommending additional surgical sampling, requesting second opinions, and ordering additional tests such as immunohistochemistty and other molecular tests.