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. 2018 Jul 25;210(1):71–82. doi: 10.1534/genetics.118.300885

Table 1. List of symbols and their brief descriptions.

Symbol Description
nF Number of founders
N Number of offspring
T Number of markers (loci)
htF Hidden founder haplotype at locus t
hF Hidden founder haplotype matrix hF={htF}t=1...T
xti Hidden ancestral origins at locus t in offspring i
xtim,xtip xti=(xtim,xtip) on maternally (m) or paternally (p) derived chromosome
dti Genotype at locus t in offspring i that is completely determined by xti and htF
zti Hidden true genotype at locus t in offspring i
yti Observed genotype at locus t in offspring i
yO Observed offspring genotype matrix yO={yti}t=1...T,i=1...N
ytF Observed genotypes for all founders at locus t
yF Observed founder genotype matrix yF={ytF}t=1...T
1U,2U,UU Genotypes containing uncertain allele U
r1,r2 Number of reads for alleles 1 or 2
ϵO Allelic error probability for offspring, independent of read depths
ϵF Allelic error probability for founders, independent of read depths
phred Phred quality score
ε Sequencing error probability ε=10phred/10
π(x1i) Prior probability of x1i at locus 1 in offspring i
P(xti|xt1,i) Prior transition probability from xt1,i to xti
lti lti=P(yti|htF,xti,ϵO,ϵF,ε) likelihood at locus t in offspring i
α(xti|htF) Posterior probability of xti conditional on htF and genotypic data from loci 1 to t
α(xti|htF) Unnormalized conditional posterior probability of xti
γ(htF) Posterior probability of htF conditional on genotypic data from loci 1 to t
h^tF,x^ti,z^ti Hats denote maximum likelihood estimates
Pcall Single genotype call if probability of most probable genotype is greater than threshold Pcall
Pimpute Impute if probability of most probable genotype is greater than threshold Pimpute
Pdetect Correct if probability of most probable genotype is greater than threshold Pdetect