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. 2018 Aug 24;9:1458. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01458

Table 5.

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects for the Weekly treatment group.

Source Type III sum of squares df Mean square F Sig. Partial eta squared
IES weekly Sphericity assumed 12200.933 2 6100.467 133.964 0.000 0.905
Greenhouse-geisser 12200.933 1.701 7174.429 133.964 0.000 0.905
Huynh-feldt 12200.933 1.911 6383.200 133.964 0.000 0.905
Lower-bound 12200.933 1.000 12200.933 133.964 0.000 0.905
Error Sphericity assumed 1275.067 28 45.538
Greenhouse-geisser 1275.067 23.809 53.555
Huynh-feldt 1275.067 26.760 47.649
Lower-bound 1275.067 14.000 91.076