Synapse Gradients in the Hippocampal Formation
(A) Line plots (i, iii, and v) and heatmaps (ii, iv, and vi) of the normalized density for type 1 (PSD95-only) (i and ii), type 2 (SAP102-only) (iii and iv) and type 3 (colocalized) (v and vi) subtypes on CA1sr tangential axis. Density unit, A.U.
(B) Tangential and radial gradients of PSD95 and SAP102 punctum intensity (I and iii) and size (ii and iv) in CA1sr. Intensity, 16-bit grayscale; size, μm3.
(C) Top: Alexa-594-injected pyramidal neuron (red) in the CA1 and PSD95 punctum labeling (green). DAPI staining, blue. Scale bar, 35 μm. SLM, stratum lacunosum-moleculare. SO, stratum oriens; SP, stratum pyramidale; SR, stratum radiatum; Bottom: PSD95 punctum volume (μm3) as a function of distance from the soma in apical dendrites of dye-filled CA1 pyramidal neurons (mean ± SEM). Dotted lines indicates range of plotted data.