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. 2018 Aug 22;99(4):781–799.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2018.07.007

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Computational Models of Synaptome Function

(A) EPSP amplitude depends on the temporal stimulus pattern. Synaptic responses to theta-burst (black), gamma-frequency (red), and mixed-frequency stimuli (magenta).

(B) Differential EPSP responses using hippocampal tangential gradient data. PSD95 and SAP102 size data (bottom) were used to model amplitude parameter values (top). Theta-burst induced EPSP responses over time are shown for five synapses (numbered 1–101) located along the CA1sr tangential axis. Circles in lower graph indicate size values used.

(C) Normalized summed EPSP amplitude responses to theta-burst (as in B) shown for 101 synapses along the CA1sr tangential axis. Note regions of strong and weak responses. PSD95 and SAP102 gradients illustrated in the lower graph of (B) are shown here with graded colors (PSD95, green; SAP102, magenta).

(D) EPSPs in response to two theta-bursts (as in A–C) in a two-dimensional synaptome map (11 × 11 synapses) derived from tangential (x axis) and radial (y axis) gradients in CA1sr. Normalized sum of EPSP peak amplitudes was color coded from blue (zero) to red (one). PSD95 and SAP102 gradients are shown with graded colors.

(E) Normalized summed EPSP peak amplitude responses to different spike input patterns are mapped to different spatial locations and zones in a two-dimensional synaptome map of CA1sr (as in D). Four patterns, each comprising eight pulses, are displayed: theta-burst, theta-frequency, gamma-burst, and gamma-frequency. Amplitudes indicate normalized sum of EPSP amplitudes per synapse.

(F) Normalized summed EPSP peak amplitude responses to spike patterns from correct (blue surface) and incorrect (red surface) choice trials are mapped to different spatial locations in a two-dimensional synaptome map of CA1sr (as in D and E). p < 0.05, two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov t test. Data are from Kim et al. (2016).

(G) Normalized summed EPSP peak amplitude responses to different spike input patterns (as in E) are mapped to different spatial locations and zones in a two-dimensional synaptome map of CA1sr in Psd93−/− mice. Note that the pattern specificity in WT (E) is largely lost, with only a difference in overall amplitude remaining.