Developmental characterization of Arabidopsis wild-type Col-0, and the spf1, spf2, and spf1/2 mutants. (A) Chronological scheme of Col-0 development, with selected stages based on phenotypic analysis of soil-grown plants (Boyes et al., 2001); LD, leaf development; RG, rosette growth; IE, inflorescence emergence; FP, flower production. Number of leaves (B) and rosette size (C) of plants at key developmental stage points. (D) Morphology of 1-month-old plants grown under long days. Insets show a representative leaf of each genotype. Scale bars indicate 1 cm. (E, F) Morphological measurements of 1-month-old plants. (G) Age of plants at flowering. Chlorophyll (H), carotenoid (I) and anthocyanin (J) contents in 1-month-old plants relative to Col-0. (K) Number of seeds per silique. (L) Seed morphology in Col-0 and the spf1/2 mutant; the scale bar indicates 1 mm. Seed width (M) and length (N) relative to Col-0. Error bars represent standard error of the means (SEM): n=12 (B, C, E–G); n=6 (H, I); n=5 (J); n=6 (K); and n>36 (M, N). Significant differences with respect to the wild-type were determined using unpaired t-tests *P<0.05; **P<0.01; ***P<0.001.