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. 2018 May 14;187(9):1907–1915. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwy101

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of 1,207 Study Participants With Fat-Soluble Micronutrient Measurements Taken at Baseline, by Tertiles (μg/dL) of α-Carotene and γ-Tocopherol, Effects of Aspirin in Gestation and Reproduction Trial, 2007–2011

Demographic Characteristic α-Carotenea γ-Tocopherolb
Tertile 1 (n = 403) Tertile 2 (n = 402) Tertile 3 (n = 402) P Value Tertile 1 (n = 404) Tertile 2 (n = 404) Tertile 3 (n = 399) P Value
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Age, years 0.71 0.69
 <35 359 89.1 356 88.6 351 87.3 361 89.4 353 87.4 352 88.2
 ≥35 44 10.9 46 11.4 51 12.7 43 10.6 51 12.6 47 11.8
Body mass indexc <0.0001 <0.0001
 <25 145 36.6 210 53.2 268 67.7 266 67.0 212 53.3 145 37.0
 ≥25 251 63.4 185 46.8 128 32.3 131 33.0 186 46.7 247 63.0
Race <0.01 0.42
 White 368 91.3 387 96.3 388 96.5 385 95.3 385 95.3 373 93.5
 Nonwhite 35 8.7 15 3.7 14 3.5 19 4.7 19 4.7 26 6.5
Frequency of cigarette smoking <0.0001 <0.01
 Never smoker 319 79.4 358 90.4 372 93.2 361 89.6 364 90.6 324 82.7
 Fewer (<6 times/week) 40 10.0 24 6.1 21 5.3 25 6.2 25 6.2 35 8.9
 Daily 43 10.7 14 3.5 6 1.5 17 4.2 13 3.2 33 8.4
Frequency of alcohol drinking 0.36 <0.0001
 Never drinker 261 65.1 264 66.7 267 67.6 297 74.1 266 66.3 229 58.7
 Sometimes (up to 2–3 times/week) 135 33.7 123 31.1 116 29.4 100 24.9 123 30.7 151 38.7
 Often (4–6 times/week or more) 5 1.3 9 2.3 12 3.0 4 1.0 12 3.0 10 2.6
Physical activity leveld 0.02 0.17
 High 145 36.0 120 29.9 133 33.1 147 36.4 122 30.2 129 32.3
 Moderate 141 35.0 177 44.0 179 44.5 165 40.8 177 43.8 155 38.9
 Low 117 29.0 105 26.1 90 22.4 92 22.8 105 26.0 115 28.8
Educational level <0.0001 0.02
 More than high school 305 75.9 363 90.3 374 93.0 365 90.4 346 85.6 331 83.2
 High school 84 20.9 32 8.0 24 6.0 34 8.4 52 12.9 54 13.6
 Less than high school 13 3.2 7 1.7 4 1.0 5 1.2 6 1.5 13 3.3
Annual income, dollars <0.0001 0.61
 <20,000 41 10.2 22 5.5 29 7.2 30 7.4 28 6.9 34 8.5
 20,000–39,999 143 35.5 89 22.2 77 19.2 94 23.3 105 26.0 110 27.6
 40,000–74,999 53 13.2 60 15.0 63 15.7 69 17.1 51 12.6 56 14.0
 75,000–99,999 24 6.0 60 15.0 64 15.9 49 12.2 55 13.6 44 11.0
 ≥100,000 142 35.2 170 42.4 169 42.0 161 40.0 165 40.8 155 38.9
Employment 0.44 0.03
 Yes 285 74.6 301 78.0 296 74.6 285 73.1 290 73.8 307 80.4
 No 97 25.4 85 22.0 101 25.4 105 26.9 103 26.2 75 19.6
Time since last pregnancy loss, months 0.02 0.04
 ≤4 187 46.8 226 57.4 226 57.4 210 52.4 218 55.3 211 53.7
 5–8 79 19.8 72 18.3 66 16.8 71 17.7 72 18.3 74 18.8
 9–12 42 10.5 30 7.6 26 6.6 39 9.7 40 10.2 19 4.8
 >12 92 23.0 66 16.8 76 19.3 81 20.2 64 16.2 89 22.7
No. of pregnancies, not including losses 0.14 0.55
 0 167 41.4 168 41.8 180 44.8 157 38.9 183 45.3 175 43.9
 1 162 40.2 139 34.6 126 31.3 152 37.6 138 34.2 137 34.3
 2 70 17.4 86 21.4 88 21.9 89 22.0 77 19.1 78 19.6
 3 4 1.0 9 2.2 8 2.0 6 1.5 6 1.5 9 2.3
No. of previous live births 0.36 0.28
 0 186 46.2 183 45.5 190 47.3 170 42.1 193 47.8 196 49.1
 1 156 38.7 148 36.8 133 33.1 160 39.6 144 35.6 133 33.3
 2 61 15.1 71 17.7 79 19.7 74 18.3 67 16.6 70 17.5
No. of previous pregnancy losses 0.46 0.12
 1 261 64.8 277 68.9 269 66.9 258 63.9 285 70.5 264 66.2
 2 142 35.2 125 31.1 133 33.1 146 36.1 119 29.5 135 33.8
Treatment arm 0.24 0.14
 Low-dose aspirin 201 49.9 190 47.3 214 53.2 218 54.0 199 49.3 188 47.1
 Placebo 202 50.1 212 52.7 188 46.8 186 46.0 205 50.7 211 52.9
Study site 0.001 0.57
 Utah 311 77.2 325 80.9 348 86.6 340 84.2 325 80.5 319 80.0
 New York 39 9.7 24 6.0 13 3.2 20 5.0 26 6.4 30 7.5
 Colorado 20 5.0 27 6.7 25 6.2 21 5.2 29 7.2 22 5.5
 Pennsylvania 33 8.2 26 6.5 16 4.0 23 5.7 24 5.9 28 7.0
Pregnancy after randomization <0.0001 0.001
 Yes 215 53.4 283 70.4 289 71.9 283 70.1 272 67.3 232 58.2
 No 188 46.7 119 29.6 113 28.1 121 30.0 132 32.7 167 41.9

Abbreviation: IPAC, International Physical Activity Questionnaire.

a Range (minimum–maximum) of α-carotene levels: tertile 1, 0.21–2.22 μg/dL; tertile 2, 2.23–4.31 μg/dL; tertile 3, 4.33–46.95 μg/dL.

b Range (minimum–maximum) of γ-tocopherol levels: tertile 1, 65.0–143.0 μg/dL; tertile 2, 144.0–192.0 μg/dL; tertile 3, 193.0–476.0 μg/dL.

c Weight (kg)/height (m)2.

d Physical activity, assessed by means of the IPAQ–Short Form, was categorized on the basis of standard IPAQ cutoffs (42).