Figure 3. Incomplete skulls with prooticooccipital, frontoparietal and parasphenoid bones of Thaumastosaurus bottii.
(A–E) NHMB V.R.31, loc. V_St; (F–H) NHMB V.R.37, loc. V_St. The bones are figured in (A, G) dorsal; (B, F) ventral; (E, H) lateral; (C, I) posterior; (D, J) anterior views. Abbreviations: f. j., foramen jugulare; f. m., foramen magnum; f. o., fenestra ovalis; f. po., foramen prooticum; h. r., horizontal ridge; l. p. p., lateral paraoccipital process; o. c., occipital condyle; o. cp., otic capsule; p. cr., parotic crista; p. d. s. p., prominentia ducti semicircularis posterior; ps., parasphenoid; ps. p., posterior superior process. Scale bar equals 5 mm (A–E) and 2.5 mm (F–J).