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. 2018 Jul 11;25(9):1248–1258. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocy072

Table 1.

Characteristics of the conversational agents evaluated in the included studies

First author, year Type of communication technology; type of conversational agenta Dialogue managementl Dialogue initiative Input Output Task-oriented
Fitzpatrick et al. 201719 Platform independent appb Frame-based Mixed Written Written No
Tanaka et al., 201720 Windows computer app; ECAc Finite-state System Spoken Spoken, written, visual Yes
Miner et al., 201626 Mobile device app Agent-based User Spoken Spoken, written No
Ireland et al., 201621 Mobile device app; chatbotd Frame-based Mixed Spoken Spoken, written No
Rhee et al., 201428 SMSe Frame-based Mixed Written Written No
Hudlicka, 201324 Web browser app; ECAf Frame-based Mixed Written Written No
Crutzen et al., 201127 Windows computer app; chatbotg Frame-based Mixed Written Written No
Philip et al., 201722 Windows computer app; ECA Finite-state System Spoken Spoken Yes
Lucas et al., 201735 Multimodal platform; ECAh Finite-state System Spoken Spoken Yes
Philip et al., 201423 Windows computer app; ECA Finite-state System Spoken Spoken Yes
Beveridge and Fox, 200625 Telephone and web browser appi Frame-based Mixed Spoken Spoken Yes
Black et al. 2005,29 Harper et al. 2008,30 Griol et al., 201331 Telephonej Finite-state System Spoken Spoken Yes
Levin and Levin, 200632 Telephonek Finite-state System Spoken Spoken Yes
Giorgino et al. 2005,33 Azzini et al. 200334 Telephonei Frame-based Mixed Spoken Spoken Yes

Abbreviations: app: application; ECA: Embodied Conversational Agent; SMS, Short Message Service


Type of conversational agent considered unspecific, where not ECA nor chatbot;


Woebot, Woebot Labs: instant messenger app, platform independent;


Automated skills trainer developed from MMDAgent (;


Harlie the Chatbot (;


mASMAA, an extension of TRIPS (The Rochester Interactive Panning System);


Virtual Mindfulness Coach;


Bzz Dutch chatbot for Windows Live Messenger;


SimSensei Virtual Agent, based on the MultiSense perception system, a multimodal sensing platform which fuses information from web cameras, the Microsoft Kinect and audio capture, and processing hardware ( p=1799);


HOMEY project – home monitoring through an intelligent dialogue system (;


DI@L-log: although the system allows for dual tone multi frequency input this is rarely used, as all interactions can occur via spoken language;


Pain Monitoring Voice Diary, developed by Spacegate, Inc;


Not objectively reported in the paper, but inferred from descriptions of the CA, sample dialogues, or other published material on the system