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. 2018 Sep;14(3):196–205. doi: 10.1183/20734735.020418

Table 3.

Summary of cannabis-associated bullous lung disease case reports

Author [ref.] Subjects n Mean age years Quantification of marijuana use Tobacco smoking pack- years Radiology Comments
Feldman [31] 1 24 14–28 g per week for 10 years 14 Spontaneous pneumothorax Microscopy showed ruptured bulla, serosal adhesions and focal atelectasis
Johnson [32] 4 38 Two joints per week to three joints per day 3 to 15 Bilateral upper zone peripheral bullae in all four cases One patient had paraseptal bullae, two had apical
Rawlins [33] 2 29 NA Yes Bilateral giant lung bullae and severe upper lobe emphysema No further investigations documented
Thompson [34] 3 39 Moderate for 10 years to heavy for 24 years 9 to 20 Large upper lobe bullae Normal α1-antitrypsin levels
Phan [35] 1 26 10 pipes a day for 5 years 1 Bilateral cystic and bullous changes in lower lobes Microscopy showed fibrosis and macrophage infiltration
Beshay [36] 17 27 53 joint-years 0 to 25 Multiple apical bullae or bullous emphysema in upper lobes Histology showed macrophages
Hii [37] 10 41 11 to 149 joint-years 1 to 27 Asymmetrical bullae peripherally and centrally in upper and mid zones on CT Lung function normal in five patients
Reece [38] 1 56 10 cigarettes per day for 25 years >1 Multiple giant lung cysts on CT scan, no lobe predominance Normal α1-antitrypsin levels
Gao [39] 1 23 NA 0 Bilateral large upper lobe bullae, recurrent pneumothorax Cystic fibrosis
Allen [40] 1 18 1 oz weekly for 4 years 3 Bilateral apical bullae up to 3 cm Histology showed pigmented macrophages and DIP-like changes
Shah [41] 1 27 Heavy use for 10 years 20 Large left apical bulla and right apical blebs Normal α1-antitrypsin levels
Sood [42] 1 33 Off and on for 10 years 15 VLS on the left side Normal α1-antitrypsin levels
Gargani [43] 2 41 NA NA to 39 One patient had left apical bullae, the other had right upper and middle lobe bullae In both patients, bullae contained Aspergillus
Golwala [44] 1 25 24 joint-years 1 Bilateral bullae with upper lobe predominance Previous untreated sarcoidosis but no current clinical/radiological features
Tashtoush [45] 1 65 Heavy use for 20 years 0 Bilateral large lung bullae characteristic of VLS Poorly controlled AIDS and previous intravenous heroin use
Fiorelli [46] 8 30 7 joints per week to 6 joints per day 15 to 40 Eight out of 13 marijuana smokers with spontaneous pneumothorax had bullae, six had paraseptal bullae (two with upper lobe involvement) Increased intralveolar pigmented lymphocytes
Cary [47] 1 48 86 joint-years 25 Bilateral upper and mid zone bullous disease Sputum grew only Candida, no clinical signs of infection
Mishra [48] 1 30 Daily use for 5 years None Spontaneous pneumothorax, apical bullae in the right lung Normal homocysteine, RF and HIV tests

NA: not applicable; CT: computed tomography; DIP: desquamative interstitial pneumonia; VLS: vanishing lung syndrome; RF: rheumatoid factor. Reproduced with modification from [2].