Figure 1.
The impairment of social behaviors in adolescent mice exposed to social defeat stress as juveniles. (A) Duration at interaction zone (left) and exploratory activity (right) 1 day after the last stress exposure. (B) Duration at interaction zone (left) and exploratory activity (right) 15 days after the last stress exposure. Each column represents the mean±SEM (n=12–15). Two-way ANOVA: duration at interaction zone: (A) Fdefeat (1, 25)=2.10, P=.16; Fsession (1, 25)=1.08, P=.31; Fdefeat × session (1, 25)=13.7, P<.01. (B) Fdefeat (1, 25)=7.16, P=.13; Fsession (1, 25)=0.57, P=.46; Fdefeat × session (1, 25)=22.3, P<.01. **P<.01 vs corresponding control in the first session (Student’s t test). ##P<.01 vs control group (Student’s t test). Control: mice exposed to an empty cage, defeated: mice exposed to an aggressive ICR mouse.