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. 2018 Mar 29;21(9):837–846. doi: 10.1093/ijnp/pyy038

Table 1.

Changes in Concentration of Monoamines and Their Metabolites in the Discrete Brain Regions of Adolescent Mice Exposed to Social Defeat Stress and Subjected to Social Interaction Test 1 Day after the Last Social Defeat Stress Exposure

Region Group 5-HT 5-HIAA Dopamine DOPAC HVA Noradorenaline MHPG
Prefrontal cortex (PFC) Nontested
 Control 202.1±7.2 208.6±5.9 96.9±27.9 87.4±14.8 73.5±6.6 246.6±2.6 50.0±1.6
 Defeated 193.1±19.1 229.8±9.2 114.7±27.1 76.4±11.0 85.0±6.8 275.6±8.2* 53.5±5.7
 Control 190.9±11.2 305.6±16.1** 122.0±48.6 117.1±25.7 113.1±11.4 266.8±7.1 65.8±2.4
 Defeated 256.9±7.0## 207.1±15.9## 153.9±49.3 98.7±35.9 106.4±15.8 292.1±8.2 72.0±8.1
Nucleus accumbens (NAc) Nontested
 Control 599.3±51.4 348.2±11.3 5839.0±445.8 1279.5±97.9 531.2±40.8 174.6±25.9 71.0±2.4
 Defeated 549.7±55.2 336.5±18.4 6711.7±664.9 905.4±77.07 476.7±62.2 245.2±38.4 81.7±6.2
 Control 794.2±147.2 550.7±70.0** 6845.1±708.8 1456.0±162.9 795.2±91.6* 305.0±54.2 108.1±14.7*
 Defeated 846.9±48.5 373.5±21.2# 7368.4±355.2 764.2±54.2## 647.7±28.8 342.5±47.1 114.4±8.5
Hippocampus (HIP) Nontested
 Control 286.4±4.5 400.0±12.2 11.2±1.6 11.6±0.8 30.1±1.4 278.0±6.5 69.1±1.6
 Defeated 305.7±10.4 413.4±20.0 15.5±0.8 13.6±1.6 28.3±1.1 334.7±6.4* 69.7±6.3
 Control 271.9±26.2 455.7±36.0 14.5±1.6 15.1±2.6 37.4±3.5 263.1±17.0 73.0±5.1
 Defeated 303.4±15.4 411.1±19.4 21.3±2.2# 14.6±1.8 34.3±1.5 328.8±16.2## 80.8±1.6
Amygdala (AMG) Nontested
 Control 426.9±8.1 494.5±16.4 265.6±22.9 154.8±17.9 82.4±7.8 254.7±4.4 72.3±1.7
 Defeated 423.2±14.6 451.0±20.8 311.8±42.9 132.7±16.5 78.1±9.4 293.4±8.2 76.6±5.3
 Control 427.5±12.7 636.7±29.4** 279.1±18.5 153.9±12.3 96.9±5.3 270.1±6.4 88.5±2.2
 Defeated 447.4±27.1 460.3±31.4## 457.6±76.8 155.3±27.8 107.4±14.4 306.4±17.8 92.9±7.6

Values are expressed as ng/g wet weight and are the means±SEM (n=8–9). The amounts of 5-HT, dopamine, noradrenaline, and their metabolites (5-HIAA, DOPAC, HVA, and MHPG) in the discrete brain regions were determined. Two-way ANOVA; 5-HT: Fbrain region (3, 120)=95.8, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=4.18, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=2.63, P<.01, 5-HIAA: Fbrain region (3, 120)=77.0, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=22.8, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=2.09, P<.05, dopamine: Fbrain region (3, 120)=535.7, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=1.68, P=.18; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=1.14, P=.34, DOPAC: Fbrain region (3, 120)=363.8, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=9.76, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=8.78, P<.01, HVA: Fbrain region (3, 120)=312.4, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=7.70, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=4.53, P<.01, noradrenaline: Fbrain region (3, 120)=0.19, P=.90; Fgroup (3, 120)=8.47, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=1.17, P=.32, MHPG: Fbrain region (3, 120)=21.0, P<.01; Fgroup (3, 120)=13.6, P<.01; Fbrain region × group (9, 120)=1.21, P=.29. *P<.05, **P<.01 vs non-tested control group, #P<.05, ##P<.01 vs tested control group (Bonferroni’s test). Nontested, mice sacrificed without performing the social interaction test; tested, mice sacrificed immediately after social interaction test; control, mice exposed to an empty cage; defeated, mice exposed to an aggressive ICR mouse.