Figure 7.
Dose-response effects of 2C-I (0.1–3.0 mg/kg, sc) on summed WDS and BMC in rats (panels A and B), and effects of 30 min pretreatment with 0.1 mg/kg M100907 (M100) or its vehicle (Veh) on the WDS and BMC induced by 1.0 mg/kg 2C-I. Rats were observed for 90 s every 15 min for 2 h post-injection, and the number of WDS and BMC was totaled. Data are mean ± SEM for N = 9 rats per group. * represents significant effects on behavior when compared to the corresponding vehicle (0 dose) or vehicle/vehicle (Veh/Veh) groups (Bonferroni, p<0.05).