The increase in cAMP downstream of Smo is Gαs-dependent. Graphed data represent mean ± S.D. A, immunoblot (IB) analysis of myc-tagged Gαs-transfected S2-R+ cells, treated with dsRNAs targeting β-gal (−) or Gαs. The blot was probed with anti-myc tag antibody to show efficient depletion of transfected Gαs, and with anti-α-tubulin as a loading control. B, EPAC-BRET assay of cAMP levels in control (−) or SmoSD-GFP-transfected S2-R+ cells treated with dsRNA targeting β-gal (control) or Gαs. t test: ***, p < 0.001; n.s., not significant. C, immunoblot analysis of cells treated as in B. Blot was probed with anti-GFP antibody to reveal SmoSD-GFP expression and anti-α-tubulin as a loading control.