Principal Coordinates Analysis of Bray-Curtis distances between symbiont communities within individual acantharian hosts. Point shape corresponds to host SV and color corresponds to the collection location of the host acantharians (n = 42, 1–14 per site). The symbiont communities associated with acantharians collected near Catalina Island and from ECS station 2 form clusters, while communities from the other locations do not cluster separately. A PERMANOVA by location (excluding st. 4 and st. 10 due to insufficient sample size) performed with the adonis function in the R package vegan on the Bray-Curtis distances between symbiont communities confirmed that collection location had a significant effect on symbiont community (p = 0.001, R2 = 0.47 after 999 permutations). Host SV also had a significant effect (p = 0.009, R2 = 0.19), but only SV 5 was significantly different when pairwise PERMANOVA comparisons were performed in Qiime2. Bray-Curtis distance and PCoA ordination were performed with R package phyloseq and the plot was rendered with R package ggplot2.