Near-atomic resolution reconstruction of ISRIB-bound eIF2B. (A-C) Three views of cryoEM density for eIF2B(αβγδε)2, colored in distinct shades for each subunit copy: red for α, blue for β, green for γ, gold for δ, and gray for ε (color code used throughout this manuscript). Density assigned to ISRIB depicted in CPK coloring: oxygens highlighted in red, nitrogens in blue and chlorines in green. The rotational relationships between the views depicted in A, B, and C are indicated. (D) Cross-section of (A), revealing view of the ISRIB binding pocket at the central decamer symmetry interface and density assigned to ISRIB CPK-colored by element. (E) Close-up view of density assigned to ISRIB and its binding pocket in (B) at the intersection of two β and two δ subunits. (F) Two conformers of ISRIB modeled into the density and all residues within a 3.7Å distance from the ligand rendered as sticks.