Figure 1.
slDCL2a and slDCL2b are responsible for endogenous sRNA biogenesis. High-throughput sequencing data of sRNAs in 24-d-old leaves of wild type and dcl2ab mapped to tomato genome SL3.0. (A) sRNA size profile in wild type and dcl2ab, respectively. (B) MA plot showing differential analysis of sRNAs between wild type and dcl2ab. sRNAs that are differentially expressed (DE) (adjusted P-value < 0.01, calculated by DESeq2) are in red. (C) Length distribution of DE sRNA. (D) Genomic feature analysis of 22-nt D2 sRNA and 24-nt DE sRNA. The Y-axis shows the number of DE sRNA in each category of genomic feature. (E) Chromosomal distributions of 22-nt D2 loci and 24-nt DE loci. The X-axis shows the chromosomal coordinates, and the Y-axis shows the log10 values of sRNA reads number in wild type and dcl2ab for D2 and D2i loci, respectively.