Table 4.
Factor | I grade (n = 20) | II grade (n = 29) | III grade (n = 35) | Р (Kruskal-Wallis) |
LDF, ml/min | 7.7 [5.4; 9.0]∗,1/3 | 7.1 [5.2; 8.1] | 6.4 [5.0; 7.8]∗,1/3 | 0.019* |
TcpO2, mm Hg | 47 [41; 57]∗,1/3 | 40 [34; 49] | 34 [30; 41]∗,1/3 | 0.010* |
Note: statistical results are presented in the form of the following data: the first line is the median (Me), the second line is the lower and upper quartiles [Quartile 25%; Quartile 75%].
*p < 0.05 – significant intergroup difference. Comparison of 3 independent groups according to the Kruskal-Wallis test; comparison of 2 groups – according to the Mann-Whitney test (1/2 I and II degrees, 1/3 I and III degrees; 2/3 II and III degrees).