Figure 6.
Evaluation of peri-lesional macrophages in wild type and MCT4−/− tumors. Immunofluorescence staining for F4/80 (green) and MCT4 (red) and dapi nuclear staining (blue) in wild type and MCT4−/− tongue frozen sections at 23 weeks of 4NQO treatment (A–F) scale bar: 20μm. F4/80 staining of frozen sections in untreated tongues and at 14 and 23 weeks 4NQO treatment in wild type and MCT4−/− animals (G–L) Scale bar: 20 μm. Quantification of F4/80 positive macrophages in tongue sections. Involved areas represent regions identified by nuclear atypia and/or other signs of epithelial transformation, whereas non-involved areas did not display these features within the same section (n = 3 for untreated, n = 8 for 14 weeks, n = 4 for 23 weeks per group) (M). Quantification of total monocytes (N) in peripheral blood (n = 5–6 per group). *P < 0.05.