Parameters related to glutamine metabolism. Activities of GDH (A,E) and GLS (B,F), and mRNA levels of GLS1 (C,G), and GLS2 (D,H) in hypothalamus (A–D) and telencephalon (E–H) of rainbow trout 6 h after intraperitoneal administration of 0.5 mL⋅100 g-1 body mass of saline solution alone (control) or containing 40 μmol⋅mL-1 of L-leucine, 40 μmol⋅mL-1 of L-valine, or 40 μmol⋅mL-1 of L-proline. Each value is the mean + SEM of n = 10 (enzymatic activity) or n = 6 (mRNA levels) fish per treatment. Gene expression results are referred to control group and are normalized by EF1α and β-actin expression. Different letters indicate significant differences (P < 0.05) between different groups. P-values are: for (A), = 0.258; for (B), C vs L = 0.543, C vs V = 0.026, C vs P = 0.142, L vs V = 0.096, L vs P = 0.631, V vs P = 0.209; for (C), = 0.640; for (D), = 0.242; for (E), C vs L = 0.547, C vs V = 0.298, C vs P = 0.038, L vs V = 0.372, L vs P = 0.032, V vs P = 0.004; for (F), = 0.764; for (G), = 0.962; and for (H), C vs L = 0.037, C vs V = 0.016, C vs P = 0.385, L vs V = 0.088, L vs P = 0.040, V vs P = 0.102.